Troublemakers That Makes Us Sick: Chemical Industry Domestic Invaders
There are many common chemicals that we use or are exposed to in everyday life that wreak havoc on our health over time. Many of them are so deeply entrenched in our culture and way of life that you may have never questioned their safety or long-term health consequences. One of the most sneaky and damaging groups is what I call "Chemical Industry Domestic Invaders". This collection of toxic chemicals affects every single one of us. While we can't always avoid exposure to these chemicals outside of the home and around other people, the good news is that there's a lot we can do within the home to reduce or prevent these chemicals from surrounding us in our domestic life. The heinous nature of these toxic chemicals we have all had exposure to in our lifetimes and usually still are exposed to regularly in one way or another–such as in offices, restaurants, doctor's offices and public spaces or when we are around other people–means that every one of us has these toxins to cleanse out of the body. These insidious toxins don't just leave the body on their own, not with the high-fat diets almost everyone has eaten for much of their life, and the pathogens and other toxins most of us have inside us. You have to know exactly how to support your body and liver in the right way so it can do the hard work of cleansing you of toxins that are deep inside your liver and cells. This is the life-saving information you will find inside the pages of Medical Medium Cleanse To Heal: Healing Plans for Sufferers of Anxiety, Depression, Acne, Eczema, Lyme, Gut Problems, Brain Fog, Weight Issues, Migraines, Bloating, Vertigo, Psoriasis, Cysts, Fatigue, PCOS, Fibroids, UTI, Endometriosis & Autoimmune. Even if you don't think you have been exposed to toxins, chemicals or pathogens, or you aren't struggling with a symptom or condition right now, later in life your health will be affected one way or another. It's now become almost impossible to avoid developing a symptom or condition at some point in your life with all that we face on this planet. The way to avoid or minimize this, or the way to recover from symptoms or conditions you might already be living with, is to know how to properly cleanse and heal the body. Chemical Industry Domestic Invaders are just one group of troublemakers that can make us sick. Let's take a look at the troublemakers in this group: • Aerosol can air fresheners • Cologne and aftershave • Conventional cleaning products • Conventional hair dye • Conventional laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets • Conventional makeup • Conventionally scented body lotions, creams, sprays, washes, and deodorants • Conventionally scented shampoos, conditioners, gels, and other hair products • Dry cleaning chemicals • Hairspray • Nail chemicals (such as polish, remover, adhesive) • Perfume • Plug-in air fresheners • Scented candles • Spray tan • Spray-bottle air fresheners and mists • Talcum powder Below you will find an excerpt from Medical Medium Cleanse To Heal on some of these Chemical Industry Domestic Invaders. Air Fresheners, Scented Candles, Conventional Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener, Perfume, Cologne, and Aftershave "We all walk around as if it’s normal and actually good to be surrounded by synthetic chemical products meant to create pleasing smells. Who are they actually pleasing? If no one really likes the smell of cologne, neither the people who wear it nor those who interact with them, why are so many people using it? All it takes is five people wearing cologne in a room of a hundred to overpower the air. Don’t underestimate the toxic levels of this category. Just because these products have fragrances we’ve been taught to identify as pleasing, whether inside our home or on our body, it doesn’t mean they’re safe. These are some of the most hazardous chemicals to be concerned about, creating a future of health deprivation. We think, for example, that by using an air freshener, we’re creating a more pleasing environment. Once we unleash that plug-in air freshener, though, our sense of smell instantly becomes disabled. When you’re living in a home or working in an office or other environment with a plug-in air freshener spewing chemical-laden oil into the air, you may not smell it anymore. After plugging them into the wall, many people forget air fresheners are there and don’t notice when they’ve run out because the walls, bedding, pillows, furniture, air vents, and window shades have become so saturated. And while we become desensitized to that scent, it’s nearly impossible to smell anything else. These chemically scented, vaporized poisons hurt the lungs—their waxy, oily residue builds up in the lung sacs. If you’re someone who doesn’t smoke and yet you love plug-in air fresheners, you’re better off removing your plug-in air freshener and starting to smoke. That’s right; you actually have a better chance of longer-lasting health and vitality without complicated diseases if you smoke cigarettes than if you breathe plug-in air fresheners day in and day out. Does that put it in perspective? The oily film from air freshener doesn’t only affect the lungs. It also ends up in the liver when it enters the bloodstream from the lungs. Plus we swallow air freshener when we breathe it in through our mouth, and that brings it to the intestinal tract, from which it enters the bloodstream and heads to the liver as well. Air freshener residue in that organ can reduce liver function. If a really inquisitive surgeon opened up the body of a patient who had lived for years in a space highly saturated with air freshener, that surgeon would smell the air freshener scent seeping out of the patient’s blood and cells. The chemicals in synthetic scents can lower the immune system rapidly. What does that mean? It means that when the chemicals enter our bloodstream, our natural killer cells, lymphocytes, and other white blood cells absorb them, and that instantly weakens our immune cells and even kills some off. Our white blood cells need clean, fresh, oxygenated blood; with chemical scents, our white count becomes hindered. Exposure to a heavy dosage of air freshener, scented candle, cologne, perfume, or similar scent could mean three to four days of a weakened and lowered immune system. Pathogens can take advantage with an uprising—especially because the synthetic scent chemicals can, at the same time, feed viruses and bacteria, allowing them to prosper and reproduce, leading to further illness. Someone who’s prone to urinary tract infections (UTIs), sinus infections, or flare-ups of fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, lupus, MS, eczema, psoriasis, or Hashimoto’s may experience a new flare-up following exposure. It seems like a really neat idea to plug in a device that releases a scent that makes you think of wildflowers. In the end, they’re not real fragrances. They’re synthetic and man-made in a factory, formulated by a group of people testing scents around a laboratory table and picking the one they like best. Air fresheners sprayed from a bottle or can and scented candles are just as bad. Even if they’re called “natural fragrances,” don’t be fooled. This is the same tactic as listing “natural flavors” in a food’s ingredient list as a secret label for MSG. It’s difficult to find an enclosed space these days that’s free of chemical scent. When we move to a different home, it’s tough to find an apartment or house that doesn’t have a lingering scent in the walls. Out in the world, we’re exposed in stores, malls, hotels, restaurants, offices, friends’ and families’ homes, and public restrooms more than ever before in history. Hop in a taxi or ride service car, and you’re likely to find air freshener coming through the vents. We inhale it just from being near people who have the scent on their clothes from air fresheners at home—on top of whatever scented laundry detergent, dryer sheets, deodorant, shampoo, hair product, lotion, aftershave, cologne, or perfume they use. We live in a world where chemical sensitivities are becoming much more prevalent. That means that these chemical exposures are not only a nightmare for the individuals already suffering with sensitivities; they’re creating new cases of chemical sensitivities for people who didn’t previously have them. Years ago, it was older people who would complain about smells, saying, “I need fresh air,” “Can you put out that fire?”, “Please shut the window,” “Close the front door; you’re letting dust in,” or “I don’t like the smell of that cologne.” They were the ones who had lived long enough to become sensitive. Now it’s not like that anymore. Younger people are developing actual chemical sensitivities at rapid rates due to all they’re exposed to, and the complaints of older generations are nothing in comparison to what the younger generations are up against. Now, don’t let this all put you into fear and chaos. While out and about, we can do our best to take measures to avoid these scents. For example, we can choose not to walk by the perfume counter at the department store; to purchase bath, body, and laundry products that are unscented or only scented with pure essential oils; and to find an alternative to the café around the corner that burns scented candles. Because we can’t always avoid them, though— we can’t ask the person standing next to us on the train to go home, shower, and wash their clothes in unscented detergent—we at least need to make our own homes, cars, and wherever else we spend extended periods of time into oases from these scents. If we have any say at our workplaces, it’s ideal to establish scent-free policies. And of course, because we can’t dodge every exposure, cleansing is critical so that we can continually release and rebuild." Proper cleansing is the critical for anyone living on this planet at this time. Medical Medium Cleanse To Heal is your companion guide for effective cleansing. It gives you the knowledge and tools to help your body heal. Your body loves you and wants to keep you alive and healthy–it just needs the right support. Cleanse To Heal at its core is not only a book about healing, but also empowerment. To be truly empowered, you have to know the truth about what you're up against and how to overcome it. I believe you will find that in these pages.
Posted by, April 12, 2020
Re-posted by, April 24, 2020