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Virus protection & Anti-Viral Practices

Along with the right antiviral foods and supplements, the best way to protect yourself from viruses is to take some steps to minimize exposure or kill off anything you are exposed to immediately. This knowledge is meant to empower you so you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. It’s critical to have the knowledge that pathogens are easy to contract if we are not careful, especially during these times. Below you will find some of my top tips to protect yourself.

1. Wash your hands regularly, especially right when you come home after going out. Use warm water, be generous on soap, and lather your hands thoroughly.

2. If your hands haven’t just been washed, don’t touch your face (especially your mouth, ears, eyes, and nose) or eat with your hands. It’s extremely helpful to get into a practice of just not touching your face regularly. This includes rubbing your eyes, touching your mouth, scratching your ears, picking your nose, and biting your nails. Keep your fingers away from your face as much as possible. This alone can help you avoid contracting any virus or bug around you.

3. If you can, try to avoid shaking hands or use hand sanitizer or wash your hands well afterwards.

4. Use handi-wipes, hand sanitizers, and gloves to keep your hands clean and kill off anything you do come into contact with.

5. Wear gloves when pumping gas.

6. Wash your hands well after handling cash or credit cards.

7. Wipe down your grocery cart or grocery basket handles with hand sanitizer or handi-wipes. These are often provided in many supermarkets today.

8. Wipe down public door handles, sink taps, toilet handles, and toilet flush buttons/levers with hand sanitizer or handi-wipes, use a paper towel to grab them, or avoid touching them when possible.

9. Where possible, avoid direct contact with public doors and door handles,or grab them with a handi-wipe or paper towel in your hand, or use the outside of your shirt sleeve.

10. Avoid raw or under cooked food at restaurants. Politely request for your meal to be served very hot so that any viruses are killed off before your meal is served to you. The exception to this is if the food comes in a skin such as bananas and oranges. Then you can peel the food and eat the inside with your cutlery.

11. Ask for no ice in drinks at restaurants or coffee shops. Ice is often kept in a place that is open to air, sweat, or other exposures, or people working there may pick up the ice with their hands.

12. When you have packages delivered, leave them to air outside for a day or two when possible. If you need to bring them inside, consider wearing gloves and putting them in your garage or another space that you won’t need to use like an entryway closet. If you have to open a package as soon as it arrives, try to wear gloves to handle the package.

13. Don’t wear the same clothes all day long if you have left your home. When you come home from being out or at work, change into clean clothes.

14. It’s best to shower right after traveling by plane and being in airports.

15. When masks are available, you have the option to use them when entering crowded public places if you desire. You can wear masks on planes and in airports for example.

LifeChange Health Coaching



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* A Loving Disclaimer: Advice and recommendations given on this website or in a personal consultation by phone, email, online, or otherwise, is at the client's sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before beginning any diet or nutritional program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as an attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. Statements and information on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings or services are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions for your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health-related actions and choices you make.

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