The Truth about Lectins
If you are struggling with a mystery illness that doctors have been unable to give answers for or you’ve spent time searching for answers to your health symptoms online, you may have come across the rumor that lectins in fruits and vegetables are behind your symptoms. This theory is just that—a theory. It is not true, and this false information is contributing to people becoming more confused and in that confusion, people become afraid of the very foods that heal the body, which are fruits and vegetables. It’s critical that you get the real answers you need that can help you and your loved ones heal. Part of that is knowing the truth about lectins.
Back in the 1940s and 1950s, hordes of people began complaining of mysterious symptoms that now have been given many names and labels, but the true causes of these symptoms are still unknown by science and research. Doctors simply could not explain what was happening to people with fatigue, headaches, brain fog, weight gain, hair loss, vertigo, depression, or anxiety, to name just a few. Rather than admitting they did not know and focusing on discovering a true answer, they told people, mostly women, that it was all in their heads. Dismissing patients like this was common practice.
The next trend to explain away mysterious illness was to blame everything on hormones. This was an easy sell because of how many patients happened to be experiencing symptoms around the time of menopause, even though before 1940 these symptoms did not exist.
The next and most common scapegoat today is the autoimmune theory. Nowadays an autoimmune diagnosis is alarmingly common. This theory has become “law” and is being taken as absolute truth despite it also only being only a flimsy theory from the beginning. The autoimmune theory is completely inaccurate. The truth is that our bodies are incapable of attacking themselves. It is impossible for a single cell in the human body to start working against itself, regardless of what you may have been told. It’s critical to fully understand this truth.
Another current trend is to say that you created your own illness. If you have been experiencing chronic illness, you may have heard a well-meaning friend or even a health professional tell you that you are not spiritually aligned and therefore it is the plan for your life that you remain sick until you heal on a spiritual level. Or you may have heard that your negative thoughts created your illness, that you manifested it with your actions, or that it’s your karma. These are all untrue and should be avoided immediately. They will only distance you further from healing. These theories are especially tragic, harmful, even abusive when directed at children.
Another falsehood is believing that foods are causing your illness, which is another example of misinformation. Foods can absolutely contribute to illness but they’re not the root cause of illness, though they are related more closely than the other misleading theories explained above.
Pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, cause illness. Certain foods either feed these pathogens or fight them. When a pathogen is strengthened by eating its favorite foods, it excretes poisons, causing inflammation and a long list of symptoms the medical and alternative health industries still have no real answers for and medical schools still teach from the antiquities on the shelf. That said, there are many excellent and caring doctors who have courageously made themselves current on this information after watching their patients, family and friends not to mention even themselves, suffer outrageously and for too long.
The Lectin Theory
One example of a trendy and inaccurate answer for chronic illness is the lectin theory. This is a theory that has been confusing and misleading people for years, and it is time to set the record straight. Chronically sick people are unable to heal when they are unknowingly being fed misinformation and lies. This particular theory is not only confusing, it keeps people from eating the very foods that will combat the pathogens they need to be fighting.
The lectin theory essentially claims that we are not meant to eat certain foods because of a carbohydrate-binding protein that is present in all fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains. Proponents of this theory claim lectins are the reason for all illnesses today. The concern is that certain foods are particularly high in lectins and should be avoided. These foods include beans, potatoes, tomatoes, and many more. It is easy to convince people that this theory is truth because the overwhelming majority of people today believe carbohydrates, even healthy ones, are bad for you which is not so at all. The bogus and harmful theory says that lectins cause the body to turn against itself by triggering autoimmune and inflammation reactions. We are told that we cannot digest lectins and therefore the human body produces antibodies to reject them. Wrong. Those very foods contain compounds that destroy bad bacteria and viruses while detoxing the body.
Proponents of the lectin theory only advocate for eating a high-fat, high-protein, animal based diet, but whether a diet is animal based, vegetarian, or vegan, high protein and high fat diets will contribute to more illness because its those items in the diet that feed bad bacteria and viruses. The lectin investors and proponents are growing ever wealthier on your fear and their sales promoting Fruit Fear and often suggest avoiding fruit altogether. This type of diet in turn destroys the liver and makes it that much more difficult to heal. When people do experience some healing on high-fat, high-protein diets (which are one and the same), this could be due to the processed foods they have also eliminated. However, it is not the lectins in processed foods that were causing problems; it was other plant and animal food compounds naturally occurring in bread, eggs, dairy, and rancid oils in those processed foods being consumed that were feeding pathogens.
What Anti-Lectin Leaders Don’t Know
The leaders of the anti-lectin movement are completely in the dark about chronic illness. First of all, they believe in the autoimmune theory which suggests that your immune system attacks and destroys your own body and that lectins and genes are to blame. They are unaware that hundreds of thousands of people over the decades have healed from mystery symptoms by eating the very fruits and vegetables they are now being told to avoid because of lectins. In fact, these anti-lectin leaders pretend no one has healed from chronic illness eating fruits and vegetables. People are told potatoes are a terrible food for them because of the lectins; however, thousands of people heal from diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), and diabetes by making potatoes a main source of calories in their diet. Chronically ill people with severe digestive conditions heal and recover by just eating potatoes alone. If they hadn’t had that option, they would either be still sick or gravely worse.
Anti-lectin leaders do not know about how pathogens, the guilty offenders that cause disease, truly work and the role they play in our bodies and chronic illness. Pathogens like the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), streptococcus, and shingles are the ones to blame, not lectins in potatoes. The Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), for example, is the true cause of RA, and those who tell you not to eat potatoes do not know this. Nor do they know that potatoes are helpful for healing this condition. If one does not understand the true cause of an illness, what qualifies them to tell you to avoid eating certain foods in order to heal? Rather than avoiding potatoes, avoid the cheese, butter, sour cream, oils, and bacon bits often eaten with potatoes. These other foods are the real culprit, not the potato.
Furthermore, what anti-lectin leaders do not know is that pathogens eat and have foods they favor. On top of not understanding that viruses and bacteria are the true culprits in chronic illness, they do not understand how pathogens work at all. The truth about pathogens is still undiscovered by the medical industry and will remain so until investors can be found to fund that research. When we begin to learn that viruses and bacteria exist just like any other species, eating and excreting their way through life, we realize we need to remove the foods that make pathogens stronger and increase the foods that weaken them. For example, the foods that pathogens love to feed on include eggs, dairy, gluten, corn, soy, canola oil, and toxic heavy metals. Foods that are antibacterial and antiviral are foods like fruits, leafy greens, vegetables, garlic, onions, herbs, spices, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.
Biased Studies
While it is uncomfortable to talk about, in chronic illness most research and science is biased and cannot be trusted because medical research is driven by money. When reading a study, always know that investors must be involved, and outcomes of the study are persuaded by these investors. Health professionals know that science and research in the medical and alternative health world is fraught with non-truths and misleading information that are often intended to be confusing for the general public. Lectin studies are perfect examples of this. Rather than search for the truth in their studies, researchers are searching for ways to make their study fit into the larger current trends of the day. If the trend is around lectins, more studies are going to come out about how lectins are bad for you. Another way researchers are influenced is by their understandable desire to advance their career by fitting into the current trend. It is simply bad for business to conduct a study that does not result in something a researcher can confidently hang their hat on. This is the uncomfortable truth about the medical industry: research and science, when dealing with mystery chronic illness, is not about getting people better; it is about personal career and income growth and massive funding. The newly birthed Lectin Empire is massive and continues to grow. To be clear, we are not talking about the countless incredible health professionals in both the medical and alternative health world who are deeply committed to helping their clients heal. The large majority of these women and men are compassionate and dedicated healers who genuinely want the best for their clients. It’s the industries that are the source of the problem, not the individual doctors and healers.
The Lectins in Fruits and Vegetables Do Not Harm Us
Do not let anyone confuse you into believing the lectins in fruits and vegetables will keep you sick or make you sicker. Do not fall into the trap of believing lectins are like the toxic alkaloids produced by some wild plants that are not fit for human consumption. To understand this further, picture a deer in the wild consuming plants, fruits, acorns, and nuts that it knows are safe to eat. When the deer starts to chew into a twig, shoot, or sapling that humans are not meant to eat, alkaloids and enzymes will surface on the plant to repel the deer, as well as other wild animals, to prevent them from continuing to eat it. Keep in mind, these are alkaloids and enzymes, not lectins on wild foods that are not meant for humans to eat. When you are in your vegetable garden or even in the wild and come across a plant that produces food fit for human consumption, such as a tomato or a blackberry, no such reaction will occur. Fruits and vegetables have been given to us to be eaten in abundance, not to be feared, and they kill off pathogens versus feeding them.
The Truth About Bananas
It is popular today to fear bananas, especially ripe bananas, because of their sugar content. However, this is one myth I am dedicated to debunking. Bananas are one of the most antiviral and antibacterial foods available to us today, and they just happen to be delicious, versatile, typically affordable, and available to many people year round. What a wonderful food! A ripe banana actually has the ability to help heal colitis, and reverse crohn’s disease. I have witnessed this so many times I cannot count. Someone is struggling with mystery symptoms, especially those related to digestive health, and then they begin to eat just bananas and celery juice, two incredibly healing foods, and their symptoms completely reverse. Colitis is not the body attacking itself. It is a viral condition where the shingles virus is sitting in the linings of the colon, growing all the more when you eat the wrong foods. Bananas, however, have the power to stop the virus and bring forth true healing. They bring down inflammation by fighting pathogens that cause inflammation.
Proponents of lectin fear will advise you only to eat bananas when they are green due to a lower sugar content. However, green bananas are not a healing food; they are extremely difficult to digest, and they irritate the gut linings, only causing more problems. Ripe bananas that have some spots, though, heal the intestinal linings. In fact, we are often naturally more attracted to the bright yellow color of ripe bananas and their increasingly sweet flavor. If you are one of those people who has trouble eating ripe bananas due to the texture, try peeling and freezing them when they are yellow, spotty, and have no green on the tip. Then put the frozen fruit into a blender and make a delicious smoothie or banana ice cream. Most people can consume bananas this way and then can experience the mind-blowing benefits they offer.
The Truth About Tomatoes
Tomatoes are another innocent fruit under attack from the anti-lectin movement and the Lectin Empire. A sub-trend within the anti-lectin movement claims that because tomatoes are a nightshade, they are toxic for humans to consume. This cannot be further from the truth. It is another unfortunate myth that has been masquerading itself as fact for too long. The truth is tomatoes can help stop cancer cells from multiplying. They can help reverse diabetes and help heal the liver. They are a powerful food that supports the immune system in ways no other fruit can. The rumor that nightshades are unhealthy keeps people in fear of the very fruit that will help them take massive steps toward healing.
Nightshades are fruits and vegetables that miraculously can blossom during the night, especially during the full moon when the gravitational pull is strong. Tomato plants do actually need powerful sunlight in order to grow and thrive. However, they have a unique ability to blossom in the moonlight if the moon is strong enough; and when it does, the tomato harbors a unique variety of vitamin C that is stronger than any other. This vitamin C is so powerful that it fights pathogens in a unique way and stops many illnesses from developing. It also helps fight pathogens that are involved with 98% of cancers because of their stealth cancer destroyer, Lycopene that is able to enter cancer cells and destroy them. While many people have reported adverse reactions when eating tomatoes, we have to stop and consider what they were eating the tomato with. Tomatoes are very popular to eat with foods that harm us, like dairy in the form of cheese or butter, the gluten in pasta with marinara sauce, the cheese and gluten in pizza, fried with lots of vegetable oil, or as a store bought marinade or sauce made with high fructose corn syrup on top of a fatty cut of meat that’s hard on the liver. Tomatoes are not the reason for bad reactions when eating these foods. Instead, try eating a sliced ripe tomato on top of a bed of fresh spinach with lemon juice and avocado. Or eat them in a fresh salsa with mango, basil and onion. When eaten in their natural form without harmful foods or food-like industrial products, they will actually bring you closer to healing, rather than holding you back from it.
Moving Forward
The lectin theory has not been around that long, yet so many people accept this theory as truth and are missing out on vital nutrients from healing fruits and vegetables as a result. If you are suffering from mysterious symptoms, do not avoid fruits and vegetables just because they are touted to be high in lectins. I encourage you to eat more potatoes, tomatoes, and bananas because these foods are your greatest weapons against pathogens, both viral and bacterial. I do this to empower people with the correct answers, the only answers that will bring you true lasting health. The only way to actually heal is to be armed with the truth about your condition and how to fight it.
I highly recommend the book series by Anthony William, Medical Medium, Life-Changing Foods, Thyroid Healing for more information.