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Cleanse to Heal

"Balanced diet—you’ll hear the term everywhere as a guiding principle about how to eat. That’s supposed to be the great wisdom about food. Funny thing is, every single person has a different definition of what a balanced diet is, because no one eats exactly the same way. "A “balanced” diet sounds like one that’s regulated in some form or fashion to properly care for humans. Think about it, though: what authority actually determines what makes a diet balanced? Is a balanced diet a colorful array of foods? Is it a mix of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and fats? Everyone has a different interpretation. What none of it considers is this: How can we determine if a diet is balanced when we don’t know the true cause of autoimmune disease and the hundreds of labels that are given to symptoms and conditions under the autoimmune umbrella? What person, health professional or otherwise, has the right to claim that you’re not on a balanced diet, or to offer a balanced diet, when they’re in the dark along with the rest of medical research and science as to why someone is sick and how they can recover? It’s merely a guessing game of removing processed foods and bringing in fruits and vegetables, and that’s not an answer. Before anyone can weigh in with authority on a balanced diet, they need to understand chronic illness. "Everyone has a different emotional connection or disconnection to their food. They eat what they think is a healthy diet, not realizing that the “everything in moderation” advice they grew up with has made their food choices too varied, making too much room for troublemaker foods on their plate and not leaving enough room for nutrient-dense options. Or they make a point on social media of shunning a certain food in the name of a more balanced diet, not mentioning to their crowd that the real reason they avoid, say, fruit or potatoes is because someone they knew used to say (mistakenly) that “sugar is sugar” whenever they reached for any form of carbohydrate—and so they’ve felt guilty about even healthy carbs ever since. "People are constantly changing their approaches to food, sometimes on a monthly basis, because they’re constantly in search of the right way to eat. Those who claim, “I intuitively eat; that’s how I stay healthy” eventually get sick all the same. “My body feels like it really needs these eggs,” for example, falls under the category of justifying cravings without knowing how those foods affect your health. Eating “intuitively” doesn’t mean that you know what causes your symptoms or conditions. We were all exposed to confusing food messaging in our formative years and difficult circumstances around food, whether it was not enough food on the table, a lack of resources to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, putdowns from family members, illnesses that affected what we could stomach, or societal values and images. Somewhere along the way for each of us, that particular combination gelled and created the foundation of how we think about food. And then we kept being exposed to new headlines and trends and opinions and beliefs and theories and life circumstances that built on that. "It’s a natural, animal instinct to have hangups around food, because our survival revolves around it. We are not alone. Hyperawareness about what we eat is built into who we are as human beings, and we don’t need to be ashamed about that. We don’t need to punish ourselves about what we eat, nor do we need to punish ourselves for worrying about what we eat. What we need is to be mindful that amidst all the influences that have informed our relationship with food is very little actual truth—because we’re not taught the truth about how to feed ourselves for lasting health, or what a healthy cleanse looks like. (Hint: it’s not starvation or torture.) It’s all still guessing games out there, with the very same experts who are saying that people should find a balanced diet not sure what a balanced diet even looks like for themselves." - Excerpt from Cleanse To Heal, now 30% off today. 'Cleanse To Heal gives you the truth about how to use food to help you and your loved ones heal. It will empower you with healing information and tools that come from above so you can take charge of your health. Freedom and healing comes with knowing the truth and applying it. Cleanse To Heal is here to help you do just that–because healing is your birthright."

- Posted 2/23/2020

LifeChange Health Coaching



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* A Loving Disclaimer: Advice and recommendations given on this website or in a personal consultation by phone, email, online, or otherwise, is at the client's sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before beginning any diet or nutritional program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as an attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. Statements and information on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings or services are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions for your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health-related actions and choices you make.

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