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Methylation and Gene Mutation

Have you or a loved one been told you have a MTHFR gene mutation? Today there are classes taught on this gene mutation, but the information being shared is fundamentally wrong. In fact, there is no such thing as an MTHFR gene mutation and the misinformation on this topic is preventing people from getting the correct answers to their health issues. Although doctors only diagnosed one MTHFR gene mutation initially, now there are a variety of MTHFR gene mutation labels you may be given, and as this misinformation continues to catch on, more and more MTHFR gene mutations will be created. What you must know is that if you’ve tested positive for MTHFR gene mutation, there is another issue that is triggering the test result. Your gene is not mutated. For the sake of your health and the health of your loved ones, it is important you know the truth about this mistaken theory and move forward from a place of awareness. Who’s To Blame? If you have an autoimmune disease, you’ve most likely been told by a well meaning doctor or practitioner that your body is attacking itself. This belief stems from medical research and medical science being unaware of the true root causes for these mystery illnesses. If you want to find out more information about chronic illnesses and the misinformation around autoimmune diseases, check out Book 1 of the series, Medical Medium. Unfortunately, this is not the only blame game happening in the medical community today. People’s genes are being wrongfully blamed as well. If you are suffering from a mystery illness with unknown causes, you may have been told you have “bad genes,” “dysfunctional genes,” a “gene mutation,” or “faulty genes.” Again, the blame falls on you and your body because medical research and medical science have yet to find true answers for these health problems. The topic of gene mutation is growing in popularity, and it is critical that you and your loved ones do not fall prey to the blame being put on your genes. Well-intentioned doctors and practitioners are being drawn into this idea that there is a connection between people’s health issues and their genes. It’s easy to look at the hereditary traits passed from one generation to the next and start to believe that your genes play a role in the health problems you face. Yes, your mother, grandfather or other family members may look like you and even display similar health symptoms, but this does not mean that your genes are related to the chronic illnesses you find yourself up against! If this damaging misconception continues to spread, generations to come will believe all of their chronic illnesses stem from gene-related issues and billions of dollars will be spent investigating this faulty idea as people continue to grow more and more sick. What is a MTHFR gene mutation? If you are told by your doctor or practitioner that you have a MTHFR gene mutation, they will most likely explain that this means your body is unable to convert folate or folic acid into a usable form. They may also remark that your body struggles with certain important conversion and methylation processes. There is some truth in this statement, but your body’s inability to properly convert, methylate, or detox has nothing to do with a gene mutation issue. Currently, medical science is suggesting that certain people have mutated genes that no longer produce the required enzyme (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) needed for functions like glutathione production and the easy assimilation of folate and folic acid. This isn’t true. There’s another reason you might not be methylating properly, and it’s not your genes. The Truth About Genes The genes in our bodies have multiple purposes and act in numerous ways, but they can never become mutated. It is critical you understand this— your genes cannot mutate (emphasis by Teri Bohlinger, health coach practitioner). If a gene interacts with a contaminant or pollutant, it may not function as well, but it will still not technically mutate. If you are ever diagnosed with a MTHFR gene mutation, know that your gene is not mutated or even problematic. Something else in your body is triggering off the faulty MTHFR gene mutation test. The MTHFR Gene Mutation Test The MTHFR gene mutation test is currently in its infancy and is not as accurate as the medical community believes. If you choose to have the test done, it is important that you know what the results of this test really mean for you and your health. The MTHFR gene mutation test, like the antinuclear antibody test (ANA) and the C-reactive protein test, is just a basic test that reveals inflammation in the body. Although this test is given under the guise of a gene test and a real gene is being looked at, it is ultimately only able to indicate if there is inflammation in the body. Fortunately, once you are aware that the test is faulty and there’s another reason for why you tested positive, you can take the necessary steps to begin healing. Look at the Liver If you’ve been told you have a gene mutation, you can now disregard this information. It’s not accurate. In reality, it is highly likely you have an issue in the liver. There may also be an issue in the intestinal tract, but typically the main issue lies in the liver. The inflammation that triggers off a positive MTHFR gene mutation test stems from toxic byproduct wreaking havoc as it moves from the liver into the bloodstream. This can play a part in producing abnormal homocysteine levels. Usually, viruses, heavy metals, or a combination of the two are residing in the liver and producing toxic byproduct. As the amount of byproduct increases over time, the liver grows less efficient and gradually stops cleansing the blood. Eventually, this “dirty” blood prevents proper methylation or the conversion of folate or folic acid. Regardless of whether you are underweight or overweight, or whether you are feeling healthy or poorly, a MTHFR gene mutation diagnosis means your liver is showcasing signs of wear and tear and needs proper support and care. Methylation Problems Methylation has to do with the conversion and break down of important chemicals, chemical compounds, and phytochemicals that are drawn from sources such as the food we eat, the clean water we drink, and the sunshine we absorb. Breaking down chemicals into smaller and smaller chemicals is a very extensive process, and the methylation explanation given by a doctor or practitioner will not even begin to address the complexity of chemical break downs in the body. The enormous amount of chemicals we have in our bodies is still a mystery to medical research and medical science. Medical science also believes the liver is only accountable for four hundred to five hundred chemical responsibilities that help keep us alive and well, but in reality there are thousands of chemical responsibilities that have yet to be discovered. Many of these unknown chemical responsibilities play a role in the body’s methylation process. If you are handed a positive MTHFR gene mutation test and your doctor or practitioner proposes you have a methylation problem, they may be correct. But, the methylation issue is not related to a gene mutation as they might also suggest. In fact, if you take the necessary steps to reverse your methylation issues, you will no longer trigger off a positive MTHFR gene mutation test. Healing the liver and cleansing the blood are two important pieces of resolving methylation issues. Lowering the viral load that created toxic byproduct in the liver is another critical step. You can learn more about how to do this in the books Medical Medium and Life-Changing Foods. You can also learn more in the radio shows, or Epstein-Barr-Virus-Revealed, or Shingles-Virus-Revealed, and Heavy-Metal-Detox. If it was actually a mutated gene causing the problems, you could never change the gene mutation test results, but because it’s caused by another issue, it is possible to heal and reverse the test’s results. If your MTHFR gene mutation test results come back negative, you may still have methylation issues. Sometimes the test is able to identify inflammation and other times it will not recognize inflammation even in an inflamed body. Even the highest-quality medical tests are not always perfect, and it is important to consider all of your health symptoms when assessing whether you need methylation help.

Methylation Support The ileum, which is located right after the small intestine, contains ‘elevated biotics’, which is the name I gave them when I brought them to light for the first time. Elevated biotics are powerful probiotics that can be obtained from eating certain freshly picked organic foods. Fruit from an organic orchard or vegetables from your own organic garden are perfect examples. This fresh unwashed produce contains microorganisms that help with your internal methylation process by producing bioavailable B-12. The microorganisms find their way to the ileum and can support methylation in a powerful way. If you are looking for ways to assist the methylation process in your body, try picking organic veggies from a friend’s garden or scouting out organic produce at a local farmer's market. Underlying Viral Infections Viruses play a part in numerous conditions including Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, and many more. You can learn more in the book Medical Medium by Anthony William. In all of these health conditions, viruses get into the liver and release toxic byproduct. As a result, it is likely that if you’ve been diagnosed with Lyme disease or another virus-related chronic illness, you will trigger off a positive MTHFR gene mutation result as well. Again, it is important to remember that this does not mean you have a gene mutation. The methylation and homocysteine issues you may be experiencing are the result of viral byproduct clogging up the liver and making its way into the bloodstream. Thinking you have a mutated gene will never help you heal from Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, eczema, psoriasis, sarcoidosis, colitis, or any other chronic illness, but knowing the truth can help you start to reclaim your health. If you’re concerned about methylation or detox issues, tell your doctor you think you may be dealing with low level viral issues in the liver that are triggering symptoms and creating blood toxicity. By using the information you learn here and working with a skilled practitioner, you maybe able to completely reverse any viral-related health issues and methylation problems you are experiencing. Misinformation Prevents Healing Thinking you have a gene mutation when you don’t can be incredibly damaging and may prevent you from genuinely healing. This harmful idea can dwell in a subconscious area of your mind and have a detrimental impact on your immune system. If you’ve been told you have a gene mutation, it is important that you recognize this is faulty, untrue information. This awareness plays a significant role in being able to truly begin healing. Steps to Begin If you’ve taken a MTHFR gene mutation test that turned out positive, know that you can start healing from the health issues that triggered off this result. Eventually, you may even be able to surprise your doctor by taking a second MTHFR gene mutation test that turns out negative! Lowering the viral load in the body, cleaning up the liver, and cleansing the blood are three important steps to take as you begin to heal and ignite the body’s ability to methylate. Filling your diet with the correct foods and adding in high-quality supplements can play a major role in this process. Healing Supplements & Teas Embracing an anti-viral protocol can be a supportive first step. Taking a high-quality zinc sulfate supplement can be highly beneficial. Your doctor or practitioner may have already recommended taking a methylfolate supplement to support methylation issues, but methylfolate only works if you incorporate a B-12 supplement that contains adenosylcobalamin in your daily routine as well. Taking ample high-quality vitamin C is valuable because of its ability to detox the blood. L-lysine is another great supplement that helps lower the body’s viral load. Other supplements that may be beneficial for you include oregano oil capsules, olive leaf, cat’s claw, eyebright, and lemon balm. Thyme tea, red clover blossom tea, and nettle leaf tea can be incredibly healing. Check out the Medical Medium preferred supplements page for high-quality supplement recommendations. Healing Foods Wild blueberries are incredible for cleansing and healing the liver. Celery juice is phenomenal for this as well. 16 oz of lemon water twice a day can offer profound liver and methylation support. Try incorporating sweet potatoes and winter squash into some of your meals as well. In addition to bringing supportive foods into your diet, it is important to take out foods that don’t serve your body during the healing process. Try to exclude dairy, eggs, and wheat. Lowering the fat in your diet is an important step to take while healing the liver. When you lower your fat intake, the liver does not have to create as much bile to break down the food and has more time and energy to rid the body of the poisons that are contributing to methylation issues and other symptoms. If you are a meat eater, try lowering the amount of animal protein you consume. If you can keep your animal protein consumption to once a day for a period of time, ideally your dinner meal, your liver will likely be able to improve more quickly. Lower fat sources of animal protein are best, like wild salmon or another wild fish. If your diet is plant-based, try to keep the fats in your diet, such as nuts and avocado, low and bring in more fresh fruits and vegetables. Once you lower your fat intake, the liver is able to cleanse, recover, and help reverse any methylation issues. Check out the recipes in my book Life-Changing Foods for some delicious, healing, low-fat meal ideas. You can also get more recipes and healing information in the free educational course The Healing Path. You can also learn more in the radio shows I listed earlier. The five foods for heavy metal detox are also very helpful for methylation issues. Moving Forward Hopefully this article has helped you gain a sense of freedom from the misinformation that may have been holding you back from healing. Although you do not have a genetic mutation, you may have conversion and methylation issues that can be resolved through diet choices, proper supplementation, patience, and faith in your body’s miraculous ability to heal. As you gain freedom from your health issues, hopefully you can begin to enlighten others with the healing truths that have supported you along the way!

LifeChange Health Coaching



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* A Loving Disclaimer: Advice and recommendations given on this website or in a personal consultation by phone, email, online, or otherwise, is at the client's sole discretion and risk. You should see a qualified, licensed doctor before beginning any diet or nutritional program. Information presented on this website is not to be interpreted as an attempt to prescribe or practice medicine. Statements and information on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product offerings or services are intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with a competent, fully-informed medical professional or health practitioner when making decisions for your health. You are advised to investigate and educate yourself about any health-related actions and choices you make.

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